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Whanganui City Council

Whanganui city council uses our Phonic Absorb tiles and Eclipse Aluminum Suite for their new offices and meeting rooms. We've had some great feedback from the Whanganui City Council, they are blown away that they can be in an open planned space and hold normal conversations at the same time.

Project: Whanganui City Council 
Products: Phonic Absorb tiles and Eclipse Aluminum Partitioning Suite
Architects: Dalgleish Architects 


Eclipse Aluminium Partitions Phonic Absorb Ceiling Tile

Phonic CBI

 Whanganui City Council
Whanganui City Council
Whanganui City Council

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Product Link: https://www.tris.co.nz/studies/info/72/Whanganui-City-Council Copied to your clipboard.

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