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Island Bay School

3 classrooms were converted into a large space in line with ILE principles. The T&R Products used were: Phonic Absorb acoustic tiles, Phonic Direct Fix tiles, CBI grid and seismic design and Polyester circle acoustic panels

Three classrooms in an existing block at Island Bay School were converted into a large space in line with ILE principles. T&R provided acoustic and seismic advice on the products required and this formed an important part of the design process. A highly absorbent ceiling and additional polyester clouds provide a high level of absorption while a strip of GIB plasterboard helps to provide reflection in key areas. Don Jamieson Architects worked with the long open space and created break out spaces to create zones in the room. Products used were: Phonic Absorb acoustic tiles, Phonic Direct Fix tiles, CBI grid (with seismic design) and Polyester circle acoustic panels leading to a short (tested) reverberation time.


C Max Absorb C Max Direct Fix


Island Bay School Classroom
Island Bay School Classroom
Island Bay School Classroom
Island Bay School Classroom

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